École Nationale Supérieure d’AudioVisuel - Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès

Audiovisual Corrida

vendredi 22 février 2013, par VÉDÈRE Fabrice

The audiovisual Corrida, first initiated in 1983, is an international event designed to organise meetings between film and audiovisual schools which are generally part of the CILECT (Centre International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et de Télévision, the association of the world’s major film and television schools).

The audiovisual Corrida aims at developing academic exchanges around students’ film projects and promoting cultural diversity. One of its goals is to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas among schools, and help them understand the future of education in film and related media.

Website : http://corrida.esav.fr

The audiovisual Corrida’s Principles

The social, economic and political context of each country influences the material resources available to the students, which has direct consequences on their work. Indeed, the films, whether documentary or fictional, are connected to contemporary issues and at the very heart of the younger generations’ preoccupations.
This event has always been based on beliefs and ideals such as cultural dialogue. It also strives to promote artistic events and provide partnership between guest schools. Indeed it allows everyone involved to experience the specificity of various teaching methods promoted in each school or even develop teaching practices with other schools (see our summer programmes for instance). It is also a way of exposing young talents to a wider audience that is invited to attend the Corrida thanks to various media (newspapers, radio, local television).

The audiovisual Corrida has no entrance fee unlike most festivals or events of the kind. This clearly indicates our intention to uphold the principles of equality and dialogue among countries. This also allows younger people to come into contact with filmmakers in the making, which often inspires a future professional interest in the cinema.

The audiovisual Corrida’s organisation

During the week of the Audiovisual Corrida, the ENSAV invites from 5 to 10 schools represented by one or two professors and one student. Each delegation presents the films they think are representative of their work. Each participating school is responsible for their selection : each student presents their films chronologically so as to highlight teaching methods as well as the student’s creative process. This presentation is followed by a series of public debates.

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