École Nationale Supérieure d’AudioVisuel - Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès

Licence 3

vendredi 22 février 2013, par VÉDÈRE Fabrice

ENSAV recruits through the competitive selection of students having 2 years of study after their Baccalaureat, or equivalent (Bac +2) to be considered for integration into the Licence (L3) programme.

The licence [L3] selection procedure is organized into three phases :

* First phase : pre-registration on the ENSAV website.
Pre-registration is exclusively via the Internet, deadline determined in May or June of each year.

* Second phase : application dossier.
A typed 15-20 page paper about the imposed theme accompanied by an edited sound file project and a photomontage.
To be submitted early September.

* Third phase : orientation period.
If the student’s candidature is considered acceptable after reviewing their dossier, they will be summoned to the ENSAV for further written and oral tests.
This period, which is over a week-long period, includes several written tests, a panel interview, an edited sound project and its related commentary as well as taking a series of photographs and providing its related commentary.
The written tests relate to various aspects of audiovisual studies (aesthetics, economy, technique, history, translation...). The panel interview is designed to discover the motivations and expectations of the candidate.

At the end of this period, approximately 30 candidates are chosen to join the ENSAV, to begin their first year in October.

For further questions contact : ensav@univ-tlse2.fr

Licence 3 : on-line pre-registration

The pre-registration for the 2019-2020 year is exclusively through an online form which can be accessed by clicking on this paragraph. The form is available from june, 2019 (inclusive).

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